November 30, 2024 by Vijay Wardhan 1. Who discovered cyanophages? Wollman Hershey and Chase Lindeman Shafferman and Moris Explanation:Shafferman and Moris are credited with discovering cyanophages, viruses that infect cyanobacteria. Their work helped to understand the interactions between viruses and cyanobacteria in aquatic environments. 2. Enzymes are absent in: bacteria algae viruses fungi Explanation:Viruses lack the cellular machinery, including enzymes, required for metabolic processes. They rely entirely on the host cell’s enzymes to carry out replication and other functions. 3. In Herpes virus DNA is: single stranded double stranded none of the above is correct may be single or double stranded Explanation:Herpes viruses contain double-stranded DNA as their genetic material. This allows them to integrate into the host’s genome and establish latent infections. 4. Bacteriophage consists of: DNA only fats proteins only nucleoproteins Explanation:Bacteriophages are composed of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. This combination of nucleic acids and proteins is referred to as nucleoproteins. 5. Longest known virus is: TMV _ _ 174 T1 phase Citrus tristeza Explanation:The Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) is one of the longest known viruses. It has a rod-shaped structure and was one of the first viruses to be studied in detail. 6. Kuru, a human disease is caused by: viroid virus prion PPLO Explanation:Kuru is a human disease caused by prions. It was transmitted through ritualistic cannibalism practiced by the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, leading to neurodegenerative symptoms. 7. What is a vector? Natural reservoir of disease An organism which carries and transmits disease causing microorganism Pathogenic protozoa Human parasite Explanation:A vector is an organism that carries and transmits pathogens to other living organisms. Examples include mosquitoes transmitting malaria and ticks transmitting Lyme disease. 8. Number of capsomeres forming capsid of TMV is: 2100 2000 2130 2105 Explanation:The capsid of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) is composed of 2130 capsomeres. These protein subunits form a helical structure that encases the viral RNA. 9. Detailed study of bacteriophage was made by: Stanley Ivanowski d’Herelle Twort Explanation:Felix d’Herelle conducted detailed studies on bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria. His work provided significant insights into the nature and behavior of bacteriophages. 10. The site where the protein coat of virus is synthesized is: mitochondria of the host plasma membrane of the host ribosome of the host RNA of the virus Explanation:The protein coat (capsid) of a virus is synthesized by the host cell’s ribosomes. The viral RNA or DNA directs the host’s ribosomes to produce viral proteins, which then assemble into the capsid. Loading …