Quiz_Algae 1. Nannandria are: Normal and female filaments of Oedogonium Dwarf male filaments of Oedogonium Sexually reproducing plants of BGA Asexual plants of red algae Explanation:Nannandria are dwarf male filaments in Oedogonium that produce sperm cells for sexual reproduction. 2. Iodine is obtained from: Red algae Brown algae Yellow algae Green algae Explanation:Brown algae, particularly species like Laminaria, are rich sources of iodine. These algae accumulate iodine from seawater and are commercially harvested for iodine extraction. 3. Plant body is diploid and meiosis occurs in diploid gametangia at the time of formation of gametes in: Ectocarpus Fucus and Sargassum Chlorella and Spirulina Nostoc and Anabaena Explanation:In Fucus and Sargassum, the plant body is diploid, and meiosis occurs in the diploid gametangia during the formation of gametes, resulting in haploid gametes. 4. Plant body is violettish-blue or blue-green in: Trichodesmium Batrachospermum Microcystis Ectocarpus Explanation:Batrachospermum, a type of red algae, has a plant body that appears violet-blue or blue-green due to the presence of pigments such as phycobilins. 5. Asexual reproductive body of Volvox is called: Oospore Gonidium Palmella stage Hypnospore Explanation:In Volvox, asexual reproduction occurs through the formation of gonidia, which are specialized cells that divide to form new colonies. 6. Which of the following is a parasitic algae? Rhodomenia Nostoc Polysiphonia Cephaleuros Explanation:Cephaleuros is known to be a parasitic algae, often infecting plants and causing diseases such as red rust in tea plants. 7. Each chloroplast in Spirogyra bears : A definite number of pyrenoids An indefinite number of pyrenoids No pyrenoids Only single pyrenoid Explanation:Each chloroplast in Spirogyra contains multiple pyrenoids, which are involved in the synthesis and storage of starch. 8. True sexuality is not found in: Blue-green algae Green algae Desmids Diatoms Explanation:True sexual reproduction involving gamete fusion is not found in blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). They primarily reproduce asexually through binary fission and fragmentation. 9. Each cell of Volvox colony has a structure, similar to: Spirogyra Ulothrix Nostoc Chlamydomonas Explanation:Each cell in a Volvox colony resembles Chlamydomonas, with similar structures such as flagella, a cup-shaped chloroplast, and an eye spot. 10. Which among the following is known as Father of Indian phycology? F.E. Fritsch Dr. K.C. Mehta Sir J.C. Bose Prof. M.O.P. Iyenger Explanation:Prof. M.O.P. Iyenger is regarded as the Father of Indian phycology for his significant contributions to the study of algae in India, including the discovery and classification of numerous species. Loading …