
1. A part of pathogen that is transmitted to the host is termed as :


2. Which of the following is not a fungal disease?


3. Aflatoxin is produced as a product in :


4. The pathogen that causes covered smut of Sorghum is :


5. Which of the following is the most destructive enemies of mankind?


6. Severe famine of West Bengal of 1942-43 was due to destruction of rice crop by a fungus called :


7. Chemicals which are applied soon after the outset of infection, suppress the development of pathogen, thus curing the plant, are called :


8. Which of the following does not help in penetration of pathogen into the host?


9. The causal organism of early blight of potato is :


10. An excessive enlargement of diseased organ because of increase in the number of cells is called :