Quiz_Bryophyta 1. The antheridia in Funaria are formed at the apex of the male shoot in : As solitary organs Groups of two Groups of many Groups of three Explanation:The antheridia of Funaria are formed in groups of many at the apex of the male shoot, which aids in the efficient release of sperm cells for fertilization. 2. Which plays an important role in the dispersal of spores in Funaria? Capsule Operculum Sporogonium Peristome and annulus Explanation:The peristome and annulus play crucial roles in the dispersal of spores in Funaria by controlling the release of spores from the capsule. 3. The upper region of moss capsule is : Specialized for spore dispersal A non-specialized structure Only an ornamental structure Simple structure Explanation:The upper region of the moss capsule is specialized for spore dispersal, often containing mechanisms like peristome teeth to aid in the release of spores. 4. Funaria is : Dioecious Monoecious Anacrogynous Apocarpous Explanation:Funaria is classified as monoecious because it has both male and female reproductive organs on the same plant. This allows for self-fertilization, which is a common characteristic of many mosses. 5. In moss, sporophyte is formed on: Archegoniophore Antheridiophore Carpophore Gynophore Explanation:In mosses, the sporophyte develops from the fertilized egg within the archegonium, which is situated on the archegoniophore. This structure supports the female reproductive organs. 6. Spores of which plants have chloroplast: Funaria Rhizopus Yeast Aspergillus Explanation:Spores of Funaria, a type of moss, contain chloroplasts which allow them to photosynthesize. This is not a common feature in spores of fungi like Rhizopus or Aspergillus. 7. The common name of Funaria, by which it is generally known, is : Peat moss Pond moss Green moss/Cord moss Bog moss Explanation:Funaria is commonly referred to as green moss or cord moss due to its appearance and structure. These names are derived from its lush green color and the cord-like arrangement of its leaves. 8. Funaria are commonly found : On damp ground In water In sea As epiphytes Explanation:Funaria typically grows on damp ground where there is sufficient moisture to support its growth. This environment provides the necessary conditions for its reproductive cycle and overall development. 9. Which part of Riccia bears nurse cells? Sporogonium Antheridium Storage region (thallus) Egg cell Explanation:In Riccia, nurse cells are found in the sporogonium, where they provide nutrients to developing spores. 10. How is moss different from fern? In ciliated sperms In alternation of generations Independent gametophyte Dependent sporophyte Explanation:Mosses differ from ferns in having a dependent sporophyte that relies on the gametophyte for nutrition, whereas ferns have an independent sporophyte. Loading …