Quiz_Bryophyta 1. Development of sporophyte from gametophyte without sexual reproduction is called : Amphimixis Apogamy Parthenogenesis Apospory Explanation:Apogamy is the development of a sporophyte from a gametophyte without sexual reproduction, bypassing the need for fertilization. 2. The gametophyte produced by apospory is : Diploid Haploid Triploid Parthenogenetic Explanation:The gametophyte produced by apospory is diploid because it arises from the sporophyte tissue, which is diploid, rather than from haploid spores. 3. Which plays an important role in the dispersal of spores in Funaria? Capsule Operculum Sporogonium Peristome and annulus Explanation:The peristome and annulus play crucial roles in the dispersal of spores in Funaria by controlling the release of spores from the capsule. 4. How is moss different from fern? In ciliated sperms In alternation of generations Independent gametophyte Dependent sporophyte Explanation:Mosses differ from ferns in having a dependent sporophyte that relies on the gametophyte for nutrition, whereas ferns have an independent sporophyte. 5. In moss, calyptra is formed from: Venter wall Columella Antheridium Capsule Explanation:The calyptra in mosses is formed from the venter wall of the archegonium. It encloses and protects the young sporophyte during its development. 6. Bryophyta have a special character from other plants: They do not have vascular tissue They form spores Their sporophyte is dependent upon gametophyte They do not have roots Explanation:In bryophytes, the sporophyte is physically and nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte. This is a distinctive characteristic that sets them apart from other plant groups where the sporophyte is typically independent. 7. In moss, sporogenous tissue arises from: Inner endothecium Outer endothecium Total amphithecium Total endothecium Explanation:The sporogenous tissue in mosses arises from the inner layer of the endothecium. This tissue is responsible for the production of spores. 8. To which class Riccia belongs : Hepaticopsida Sphenopsida Pteropsida Bryopsida Explanation:Riccia belongs to the class Hepaticopsida, which includes liverworts, a group of non-vascular plants. 9. Where are the antheridia and archegonia situated in moss? In the axil of leaves On the apex of leaves On the base of stem On apex of axis Explanation:In mosses, antheridia and archegonia are typically situated at the apex of the axis, which is the tip of the stem or branch. 10. Sporophyte of Funaria is : Autotrophic Parasitic Semiparasitic Saprophytic Explanation:The sporophyte of Funaria is semiparasitic because it relies on the gametophyte for nutrition but can also perform some photosynthesis. Loading …