
1. When the gametophyte is not formed by spores but by any other part of sporophyte it is known as :


2. First animal pathogenic virus was discovered by:


3. Which of the following is a free-living anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria?


4. Which type of sexual reproduction is found in Volvox?


5. AIDS (= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by:


6. Diaminopimelic acid and muramic acid are constituents of cell walls in:


7. The decomposition of organic compounds in the presence of O2 and without the development of odoriferous substances is called:


8. Which functions as hydrogen donor in photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria?


9. Under certain circumstances, a generating cell forms aplanospores from mucilaginous mass, which encloses numerous small but uninucleated bodies; this is known as :


10. Psychrophilic bacteria are those bacteria that grow best: