Quiz_Protista 1. Amoeba is a member of the phylum: Protista Porifera Monera Protozoa Explanation:Amoeba belongs to the phylum Protozoa, which includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms that are often motile and heterotrophic. 2. Cellular slime mold is: Nostoc Dictyostelium All of these Physarum Explanation:Dictyostelium is a genus of cellular slime molds that exhibit both unicellular and multicellular stages in their life cycle, forming a slug-like aggregation when food is scarce. 3. Which class of Protozoa includes all parasitic forms? Sporozoa Mastigophora Sarcodina Ciliata Explanation:The class Sporozoa, also known as Apicomplexa, includes protozoans that are exclusively parasitic, such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. 4. If all ponds and puddles are destroyed the organism likely to be destroyed is: Trypanosoma Leishmania Plasmodium Ascaris Explanation:Plasmodium, the parasite responsible for malaria, relies on stagnant water bodies like ponds and puddles for the breeding of its mosquito vector. 5. Photosynthetic protists contribute what percentage of global photosynthesis: 70% 80% 10% 50% Explanation:Photosynthetic protists, such as algae, contribute significantly to global photosynthesis, accounting for approximately 50% of the world’s oxygen production. 6. Bivalved siliceous shell or frustule occur in: Radiolarians Diatoms Archaebacteria Zooflagellates Explanation:Diatoms have a unique cell wall made of silica, known as a frustule, which is composed of two halves that fit together like a petri dish. 7. Fungi have been separated from kingdom Protista on the basis of: Mode of reproduction Composition of cell wall and nutrition None of the above Nature of life cycle Explanation:Fungi are separated from Protista based on their cell wall composition, which contains chitin, and their absorptive mode of nutrition. 8. In the five kingdom system of classification, slime molds are included in: Monera Protista Metaphyta Fungi Explanation:Slime molds are included in the kingdom Protista because they exhibit characteristics of both fungi and protozoa. They are primarily unicellular and can aggregate to form multicellular structures. 9. Amoeba is placed in the phylum Protozoa because of: Acellular body Presence of cell wall Presence of contractile vacuole Phagocytic mode of nutrition Explanation:Amoeba is classified under the phylum Protozoa due to its acellular body structure and its ability to perform phagocytosis, a process of engulfing food particles. 10. In dinoflagellates, the two flagella are: Lateral Anterior One transverse and the other vertical Posterior Explanation:Dinoflagellates have two distinct flagella: one that wraps around the cell in a transverse groove and another that extends vertically, aiding in their unique spinning motion. Loading …